Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Module 2: Cartography

     This week's assignment tasked us with creating a map detailing the location of UWF's main campus, highways, major rivers, and two nearby cities within Escambia County, Florida. We also were required to create an inset map depicting Escambia County's location in the state of Florida. The map was required to include the UWF logo and all the essential map elements: title, legend, north arrow, scale, preparer's name, the date, and source of the data.
     While this lab appeared somewhat complex at first glance, it turned out to be a rather straightforward and enjoyable experience. Most of the time spent creating the map was due to exploring the various artistic options for the essential map elements. The most difficult portion of the lab was the metadata portion of the Process Summary. This section felt like a puzzle, or a detective's investigation, in that the provided pieces of information served as clues to find the missing metadata.

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