Friday, February 7, 2020

Module 4: Vector Analysis

     This map details possible campsite locations and their areas within De Soto National Forest in the state of Mississippi. The map also includes nearby roads and water features, such as lakes and rivers. There is an inset map incorporated that displays the location of De Soto National Forest within the state of Mississippi.
     This week's exercise required us to create a geodatabase, change the default geodatabase within our ArcGIS Pro projects, select features by location and/or attribute, and conduct several queries along with spatial analyses. The spatial analyses conducted included finding intersecting features, spatially joining feature layers, creating several types of buffers, unifying feature layers, and overlaying features layers. All of this was to culminate in the creation of the above map.
     The lab this week was immensely interesting and extremely challenging. The overlay tools table in ArcGIS Help was a life-saver and reduced the time spent figuring out sections of the exercise dramatically. There were many points during the lab that the instructions left us to figure things out for ourselves. While I did not necessarily enjoy this, it was a great learning opportunity and an excellent addition to the exercise. While not my favorite of our labs, this was a beneficial experience and I look forward to the rest of the class.

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