Thursday, February 20, 2020

Module 6: Georeferencing, Editing, and 3D

     The above map depicts the UWF Campus with roads and buildings on or intersecting the campus also displayed. The map also contains georeferenced LIDAR imagery of the campus and an inset map displaying the location of an eagle nest and associated protective easement in relation to the campus. The below map is a 3-dimensional version of the above map, minus the eagle nest inset. The 3D map uses UWF_DEM as an Elevation Ground preset.

     This week's lab required us to utilize various georeferencing tools within ArcGIS Pro to move, scale, and align LIDAR images with known points on the UWF campus. In the process, the lab introduced us to transformation orders and root mean square error. We were also introduced to the editing functions of ArcGIS Pro. Using these editing tools, we were asked to create a building polygon and a road line. Then we edited the attribute table for the EaglesNest layer to add a hyperlink leading to a picture of the nest. Finally, we were required to create the above 3D map using LIDAR imagery and a DEM created with the LAS Dataset to Raster conversion tool in ArcGIS Pro.
     The lab this week was excellent, the majority of it was rather intuitive and simple. The experience was quite enjoyable and immensely informative. The greatest difficulty I encountered was during the creation of the 3D map. In my attempts to display the Building 072 layer atop the Buildings layer, I somehow managed to have both display only partially. Fortunately, this was the only issue I encountered during the lab. I have greatly enjoyed my time in this class and am sad to see it end, but I look forward to future GIS courses.

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