Thursday, July 9, 2020

Module 1B: Least-Cost and Corridor Analysis

     Part of the lab this week was to conduct a least-cost analysis and develop a map showing the preferred corridors for movement of black bear between two areas of a national forest. I used the Euclidian Distance tool in ArcGIS Pro to create a distance to roads raster. I then assigned suitability ratings to the distance to roads, elevation, and land cover rasters using Pro's Reclassify tool. These reclassified rasters were then combined using the Weighted Overlay tool. The resulting raster was used in conjuction with the Raster Calculator to create a cost raster, which was used to produce two cost distance rasters. The Corridor tool was applied to the cost distance rasters to find the least cost corridors. There was only one least corridor; however, there were a few others that were still viable. These corridors can be viewed in the map pictured above with symbology indicating the most, less, and least ideal options.

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