Thursday, September 10, 2020

Module 1.2: Standards


    Using provided orthophotos and two road line features, produced via the city of Albuquerque and Street Maps USA, three sets of 20 points were digitized representing road intersections. The Subdivide Polygon tool was used to divide the study area into quadrants. The points were then digitized using ArcGIS Pro's Edit Feature tools. The Measure tool was used to ensure that the points were all further than 10% of the study area's diagonal distance from each other. This ensured that the assessment would follow NSSDA guidelines. The resulting distribution can be viewed in the screen capture above. The points were then given ID's so that they matched among the three sets before being exported as .dbf files. These files were used in Excel to calculate the RMSE at the 95% confidence interval for both the Albuquerque and Street Map USA datasets, which are displayed below.

Albuquerque Data Positional Accuracy: Tested 17.14652047 feet horizontal accuracy at 95% confidence level.

Street Map Data Positional Accuracy: Tested 337.6523049 feet horizontal accuracy at 95% confidence level.

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