Sunday, February 28, 2021

Module 5: Analytics


     The lab for analytics required us to create an infographic utilizing public health information from County Health Rankings. I chose to display data showcasing the relationship between sleep deprivation and physical wellness. The typography of the map was kept simple and an Arial font was used with bold, regular, and italic styles being applied depending upon the text. The variables were displayed via choropleth maps in the center of the layout with multi-hue symbologies. These maps were placed atop a light purple rectangle sitting in amidst a dark grey background. These design choices were implemented to enhance figure-ground. The colors for the bar and pie graphs were chosen from the map symobologies so that the various elements could be distinguished from each other while still matching a common theme. These graphs and the scatterplot were arranged above and below the maps so that the graphs lie on opposite sides of the layout from the map they share their colors with. This was done to create visual contrast.

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